Comfort Words Initiative
Rang Cunningham were practising their letter writing with their English múinteoir this week. They decided to take part in the Comfort Words Initiative in Ireland. This campaign is encouraging children to support older people during this difficult time by writing to them. With almost 30,000 people across the country are in nursing home care, children can fulfil an important role in promoting positivity amongst residents and maintaining contacts in the weeks ahead by connecting with them. Well done Rang Cunningham!

Wellness Wednesday
Coláiste na hInse’s first Wellness Wednesday of the year saw the visit of Storm in a Teacup to the school. Dáltaí and múinteoirí alike enjoyed this special treat!
Teambuilding in Idirbliain
All 116 Idirbliain dáltaí availed of the good weather and visited the beack for some teambuilding activities with their caomhnóirí. Activities on the day included the poc fada, golf and the keenly contested sandcastle competition.