Bettystown Tidy Towns (BTT)
It is not just the changing seasons but also the latest restrictions which are guiding the work that Bettystown Tidy Towns has planned. We will continue to work during the lockdown, but will be maintaining a social distance and working separately.
Eastham, Narroways and Piltown Road
A special mention this month to our volunteers Tony, TJ, Simone and Derek who litterpick the Eastham Road, Narroways and Piltown Road on Tuesday mornings. The first clean up resulted in six bags of rubbish but litter in the area has much improved thanks to their time and effort.
In October, BTT focussed one Saturday meet-up on the Narroways. It was a great community effort between BTT volunteers and local residents working together to clear paths, cut grass and hedges and litter pick. Since then Meath County Council ground crew have responded to our call out to trim back the hedges and cut grass along the ditch. This will make future litterpicks much easier. Now that the verges have been cleared we’ve been out planting daffodil bulbs to further enhance the area.
The wall on the Narroways Road at the roundabout got a fresh coat of paint thanks to our community workers Gerard and Mohamed who are working with us through the TUS and CE schemes. They will be a great help to BTT in keeping the village streets and approach roads clean and welcoming.
Bettystown tidy Towns wall painting Bettystown tidy Towns Narroways Road litter picking Bettystown tidy Towns cleaning kerbs
Our thanks to Councillors Tom Behan, Elaine McGinty and Sharon Tolan for their contributions to us from their Council Discretionary Funds. Unfortunately, no response has yet been received from the remaining four Councillors. We will use these funds to support our maintenance and enhancement works around the town.
Town and Village Renewal Scheme
The Department of Rural and Community Development has awarded BTT €40,000 under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme for COVID-19 adaptions. The grant has been awarded to create a safe public walkway to Bettystown/Laytown/Mornington beach and landscaping the entrance to the towns. It will be used for the enhancement of an existing public path onto the beach to make it accessible for people who are mobility impaired. The grant will also be used to widen footpaths and carry out landscaping near the Triton Road roundabout.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, unfortunately it is not possible for us to put on a Christmas event this year. But Santa has asked if we can put up a Christmas tree and lights in the village and we won’t let him down.