Boys & Girls Return to Action.
Both our boys’ and girls’ teams returned to action in late August and early September. It was great to see all the happy faces as they faced some competitive action for the first time this season. The good recent weather has helped them all enjoy a great start with training and matches. We do still have some teams looking for players, so if you know of anyone looking to enjoy some local football, please do get in touch

The season fees are now due for all categories. Please try and make the payments as soon as possible, as the Club has had no income for six months. As always, anyone struggling or not in a position to pay right now, reach out to a committee member and arrangements will be made. No child will be turned down from playing football.
COVID Update.
Thank you for continuing to adhere to the club Covid-19 plan. We will require your continued compliance and support over the coming months. Our Club and County are currently at level 2, meaning training and matches can go ahead. If we move to level 3, games will be called off. We do hope to avoid this. We can all play our parts as either club members and the broader community by continuing to sanitize our hands, keeping our distance and following the club guidelines while at training and matches.
FFA (Football-For-All)
Our Football for All team, “The All-Stars”, we’re delighted to return to training earlier this month. It was clear to see that they have all been working hard on their skills over the lockdown and summer break. There was immense excitement, and fun gained when we returned to training mode.
If you would like to find out more about joining our team, or if you are interested in volunteering and helping with the programme, please don’t hesitate to contact Janet on 085 128 9477.

EMU Academy returned last Saturday, September 26th. There was great positivity in the air as the coaching staff arrived early to get prepared. The sun was shining, the kids were so excited to be back, and it was a joy for us all to see their happy faces. As with any club, support is welcome. We know you will find it very rewarding and great fun to be part of the kid’s development in football.
If you can help in any way, please contact any of the coaches or contact us at
On a separate note, Paul Byrne is handing on the reins as EMU Academy Coordinator over to a very experienced and well-known coach within the EMU family, Mark Sheehan. We all wish him the very best of luck with his new role.
Contact details: If you need to get in touch, below are the details :
- Child Welfare officer – Traci –
- Secretary – Neal –
- Football for all – Janet Johnson –
- Academy – Mark Sheehan –
- Chairman – Padraig Roche, Vice-Chair – John Heffernan, Vice-Chair – Richard Moore – all at
- Treasurer – Kieran Maloney –
- Fundraising – Richard Moore –