Ah the evenings have started closing in already and we’re returning home from our training sessions in the dark. The winter training sessions do have their advantages, no sunburn, less dehydrated and I for one feel like I jiggle less running when I’m well wrapped up in Lycra!! We’re stuck with the 15 person limit on training for the foreseeable future but I think we’ve all come to terms with how to train around this. Thank you to everyone working away keeping us safe so we can have the things that make life bearable as we work through this pandemic.
Cilles AC Presentation of cheque to the Irish Cystic Fibrosis Association
The proceeds of the b-5 were handed over to The Irish Hospice Association and Cystic Fibrosis Ireland, picture below is our chairperson Orla Turner presenting the obligatory giant cheques.
Lastly and on the subject of wearing gear to protect ourselves and others, don’t forget when out and about during reduced visibility, to run wearing your hi-vis clothing. Stay safe and enjoy the running.