News from Julianstown by Niamh Bn. Uí Loinsigh
Schools – Life during the COVId-19 pandemic is difficult for parents and children alike. However, the return to school is an important and hopefully welcome step. According to UNESCO there more than a Billion children out of school worldwide. Our children are gradually going back to school and what a very different world for them. Best of luck to both our teachers and children in Whitecross and may they all be safe and well.
Julianstown Tidy Towns volunteers continue their weekly clean up in the village garden. There have been a few changes in the garden. The very aggressive Bamboo plants have been removed by Kevin, Victor and Andrew and boy the roots were so strong they even broke the Fork! We have purchased a beautiful Sundial with roman numerals and a stunning column, which was donated, will set it off just right. Of course, all we need then is the sun to shine so you can tell the time. Thank you to Kevin, and Andrew who are on our local Community Employment Scheme and Victor who is on a Tús Scheme who are making great progress with the garden. They mow the large grassed areas every week, strim the long grass and are now beginning to cut back all the summer growth on the dog wood and hedging. Our faithful band of volunteers turn up every Saturday morning and do tremendous work weeding all the beds in the garden and throughout the village and if you would like to help please come along any Saturday morning at 10.30 am. You can stay as long or short as you like (the help will be really appreciated), but don’t forget the tea/coffee is at 1 pm. Strimming is also being carried out by Larry on the Laytown Road and this will help sow the wildflower seeds for next year. Have you noticed the stunning Sunflowers in the centre of the village and the wildflower bank opposite Aney View? Jim O’Connor is responsible for them. Every year he, parents and the children from Ballygarth Manor add to the display and I have to say this year is definitely the best! Well done to our Volunteers!

Planning Permission Application – A planning application for a large Solar Farm (148 hectares) was submitted recently for lands at Smithstown as far as Beabeg which was deemed invalid for several reasons by Meath Co. Co. and all notices will have to be removed immediately.
Traffic – A local farmer who farms on the Beamore Road has seen a radical increase in the number of HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicles) passing his door on a daily basis to 400 and these trucks are coming off the Motorway at City North and travelling through Julianstown in order to avoid paying the toll. He is most concerned with the noise pollution – this is another reason for a bye-pass of our village as we are bearing the brunt of this daily intrusion in our lives.
Moorechurch Cemetery – Visitors to the cemetery should be on the alert as recently a car was broken into and items stolen. Please don’t leave any items on view in your car and remain vigilant which you are visiting the cemetery.
St.Mary’s Catholic Church, Julianstown First Holy Communion ceremonies for children from Whitecross NS will take place on Saturday 5th September at 11 am and 1 pm.
St. Patrick’s Catholic Church – First Communion Ceremonies for children from St. Patrick’s NS will take place in Stamullen on Saturday, 12th September at 10 am, 12pm and 2pm.
St. Mary’s Church of Ireland, Julianstown – Sunday service will take place at 10.30