Councillor Update – Cllr Sharon Tolan

Back To School
It’s hard to believe that it is now more than 6 months since we discovered our first case of Covid-19 in Ireland. So much has happened and so many sacrifices have been made. I hope as you read this update, you and your families are staying strong, safe and optimistic for our future. While the advice is still ‘Stay Safe, Stay Apart’, some parts of society have returned to some form of normality.
I want to take this opportunity to thank all of our Principals, school staff and community, for the tremendous work they carried out during the summer months to prepare our schools for the safe return of students. It has not been an easy time for anyone, but I want to especially mention those working in the care and education of our children and young people, who have spent long hours planning and preparing safe environments for everyone! I want to wish you all the best of luck in the coming weeks and months – stay safe, stay well, and thank you!
July Jobs Stimulus Plan – NTA Funding
I am absolutely delighted that we managed to secure €337,000 for East Meath in the recent July Jobs Stimulus Plan. This fund was specifically allocated by Government to fund cycling and walking projects, and I am delighted that projects I have been working on with the Council for some years now will finally get the funding they need to be delivered. They include:-
- Signalised crossing and footpath works at Harry’s Garage, Mornington (€60,000)
- New signalised pedestrian crossing on R150 Church Road, Donacarney (€30,000)
- Reconstruction/Renewal of defective footpaths/cycle lanes in Bettystown (€40,000)
- Provision of new footpath & cycle lane from Woodgrange to Colp Cross (€40,000)
- Provision of new footpath & cycle lane from the pedestrian bridge in Laytown to the playing fields at Seafield (€82,000)
- Revision of existing pedestrian crossings at Bettystown Square and Laytown to include improved LED lighting and raised tables (€85,000)
I will continue to seek funding for the completion of all other important walking and cycling projects that are needed in the area!
Boyne Greenway – Deadline for submissions Friday 11th September
Following the recent Non-statutory Public Consultation of the Boyne Greenway Drogheda to Mornington Section, Meath County Council planners have made a number of significant changes to address the concerns received in submissions. They have now submitted the final amended plan to An Bord Pleanala seeking planning permission for the project. The plans can be inspected at the Council Offices in Navan, Duleek and Drogheda or online at
Submissions are free of charge, and should be sent in writing to An Bord Pleanala, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1, D01 V902 and must be received before 5.30pm on Friday 11th September.
This footpath and cycle lane scheme from Mornington to Drogheda would deliver a significant piece of walking and cycling infrastructure for the whole region. It is part of a wider scheme that Fingal County Council are developing from Newbridge to Newgrange. Public support is vital for this scheme, so if you feel this is something you would like to see delivered, you must send a submission of support. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by! If you would like any assistance in writing your submission or require a stamped addressed envelope, please get in touch by email to or drop me a text to 086-3669852.
Spine Road – Craddocks are making great progress!
Is it just me or is everyone delighted and relieved to finally see the contractors onsite and building our long overdue and badly needed Bettystown to Laytown Spine Road?! Craddocks are absolutely flying and I will be keeping a very close eye on them! This road, footpath, cycle lane, roundabout and car park will have a massive impact on the area and I am so proud to have worked so hard to ensure its delivery for you!

Tolan encourages employers to avail of the new Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme
I am encouraging all employers in the area to register for the new Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS) which replaces the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme from the 1st September 2020. The EWSS is the centrepiece of the Government’s July Jobs Stimulus. All employers and businesses who believe that they will continue to experience a significant decline in their level of turnover or customer orders as a result of the pandemic should avail of it. The EWSS has been designed with the needs of employers and businesses at its heart and is simple to qualify for, straightforward to operate and broad in its availability. It is also important to note that employers will continue to pay PRSI at the very significantly reduced rate of 0.5% for jobs that are supported by the subsidy.
As always, if you have an issue you would like to raise with me please drop me an email to or give me a call on 086-3669852.