With things back to somewhat of normality these are busy times at the Cilles and what a busy but exciting month August is going to be !
Kellogg’s Cul Camp
This year we are only hosting one camp and unfortunately it booked out very quickly. Those lucky enough to attend had a great time. A big well done to all involved. Here’s hoping that things improve and next year we will return to the multiple camp model. Thanks to all who took part and helped out including all our volunteers who assisted with car parking and documentation
Championship Season
A short sharp championship season ahead and hopefully an exciting one for all our teams. We have 5 days in a row of championship fare for 7 teams commencing on Saturday 1st of August with the Senior Men v Gaeil Colmcille from Kells. Our Premier 3 team play Dunderry away on Sunday 2nd August and the Premier 5 team at home c Simonstown on Bank Holiday Monday. The Intermediate Ladies are at home to Rataoth on Tuesday 4th August while the Junior ladies play Seneschaltown on Wednesday 5th August with our minor boys playing Ratoath and the Nobber St Michaels combination that evening as well
Well done to the Saints Hurlers on their return to action Action from the recent A League Division 4 game v Kilmainhamwood
Good luck to all our teams! You can follow us on social media
Please support all our club by playing the club lotto. The jackpot is now at a very attractive €6,900. Down through the years it has been one of the most won lottos in the country so don’t miss out on your chance. You can play online at www.cilles.com during these pandemic times
Shane Black Cul Cilles Academy
The Shane Black sponsored academy is back with TWO sessions this year to ensure we meet current government guidelines. The younger groups are at 9:30 and older groups at 11am as normal. Full details on www.cilles.com

Cilles And Affinity Advisors Link Up And It Could Save You Money !
It’s important at this time to support all our sponsors and we ask all our members to ensure you support local business at all times but especially now in these pandemic times. One such sponsor are Affinity Advisors www.affinityadv.ie/ , the mortgage and protection specialists. Affinity support our ladies senior teams and team mentor, Mark Murphy is one of Affinity’s specialist advisers
Did you know that many mortgage holders can make large savings by switching mortgage providers? Very often we don’t have time to think about our outgoings and very often the effort involved can seem like a huge chore. However voted as Mortgage Broker of the year 2018 and 2019, Affinity Advisor can cut through the complexity and provide you with high quality, independent and professional mortgage advice and services. If you would like to review your current mortgage and consider if savings can be made then why not contact Mark Murphy on 087-9783205 or at mark@affinityadv.ie who will guide you through the maze
50th Anniversary
The club will make 50 years of service to its community in 2021. Plans are afoot to mark the year and make it very special.
If you have any old photos/news cuttings or stories from those 50 wonderful years then we would love to hear from you. Please contact us on info@cilles.com or through any member
Thanks Everyone
July was very busy with the return to play guidelines. A special word of thanks to the Covid Team and many administrators who volunteered to help out. The paper work is immense but what an excellent job everyone did. Keep up the great work everyone – you have made to all very easy for everyone. Well done
Club Honoured For Its Community Spirit
The Drogheda Male Voice choir honoured the volunteers and front liners of Drogheda this month at an event in Millmount. The club was one of two community groups honoured at the event for the role it played in its community during the pandemic. Well done to everyone throughout the club for your efforts in fundraising, deliveries, promotion of positive mental health etc

Hard Luck To The U14 Boys
A big well done to the u14 boys who lost the U15 Leinster Cross County final to St Rynaghs is Offaly post lock down. It was a long trip to mullingar but a great day was had by all. Well done lads on a super performance and campaign