News from Julianstown by Niamh Bn. Uí Loinsigh

Julianstown Village Garden
Before and After Photos of seat in garden – Summer Growth has been cut back!
If you happen to be passing by the Julianstown Village Garden, we are delighted to say that a new entrance has been installed beside the car park and it has the ‘wow’ factor. This beautiful new archway was designed and created by local craftsman Jim Rothwell and it was installed Tom Hughes, ably assisted by assisted by Jim. Then on the Saturday morning a gang of volunteers arrived to landscape it. Some of the men got busy spreading hardcore (supplied by Meath Co. Co.), while the rest of us filled the new Recycled Planters with several ton of soil. Then began the job of planting pollinating plants to attract bees and butterflies. Many thanks to all the volunteers for their super work and to Meath County Council for funding this under the Community Environment Action Fund. Thanks also to Uniplumo Ireland Ltd. for donating the pollinators and to Black’s Garden Centre for giving us a great deal on the rest of the plants/trees.
Green Flag Award
In mid-July we had a visit by judges for the An Taisce Green Flag Award for 2020 and it was great to hear that they were very happy with the way the Garden is progressing. Results will be announced, and fingers crossed that we retain the flag for the coming 12 months. The Green Flags are similar to the Blue Flags that beaches are awarded with, so it is a great honour to achieve this status. This award would not be possible if we didn’t have the great help and assistance from all our very dedicated volunteers, our sponsors, Meath Co. Co. and An Taisce. Thank you all!


Delighted to let you know that Sonairte is open again! The shop and garden and trail will be open as normal 10am to 5pm Fri to Sun. The cafe and bathrooms remain closed until further notice due to covid restrictions. Please follow the social distance measures in place and keep yourselves and staff and volunteers safe

Paint pots
From Tuesday, August 4th Paint Pots will be accepted at Navan Kells and Trim Recycling Centres for disposal.

There is a €1 charge per pot and a maximum limit of 10 pots per visit. Gate fee of €2 applies. Please pay by card where possible.
Householders Only – No Commercial Customers permitted.