We are delighted to say that our CE participant, Will Connell, has accepted a third year on the scheme so he will be continuing his good work for another twelve months!

Will has done a fantastic job keeping Laytown litter free for the last two years and is looking forward to continuing!
Thanks to his work there is far less litter to pick when we meet on Saturday mornings so some of us can turn our attention to tending to the flowerbeds among other things.
During July we planted fuschia, trailing geraniums, and lavender in each of the planters on the promenade. We also set to removing the unwanted long grass in the bed at the sidings and the raised beds on the approach road.
Our Buxus spiral trees sadly suffered from the strong sea breezes with wind burn. Although they were being watered every day, and given tomato feed once a fortnight, they were a sorry sight on the sides facing the beach.
We removed them and planted them near the bee hotel on the approach road. We hope they might recover now that they are in a more sheltered location…..we will keep you posted!
We planted these Cabbage Palms in the containers we had previously used for the Buxus Spiral trees.
Hopefully these will not require the same level of maintenance!
Don’t forget, we are always open to new suggestions and would welcome any input particularly from new volunteers! As always we meet at the Coast Tavern at 10am every Saturday, weather permitting of course!