Club news
We hope you are all safe and well. We still aren’t back playing football but we have been notified on how and when we can so we have been busy working in the background putting procedures in place to make it safe when we do. In the meantime please keep practising and we can’t wait to see you all soon.
We would like to say how proud we are of Phoebe Coyne, one of our u8 girls. During lockdown Phoebe who is only 6 took up running with her Dad and decided to run a marathon in 30 days with her Dad and raised money for balbriggan cancer support. She is such an inspiration and we are so proud, she managed to raise over €2000, well done Phoebe, and well done to her Dad, Mam and of course her sister Emily who is also one of our super u8 girls who helped her all the way! What a super star and an inspiration Phoebe is, the Club is very proud.
Phoebe and her cousins and aunt, uncle and sister who ran some of her runs with her Phoebe and her Dad and very proud coach Phoebe on her last leg of the marathon
New sponsors
We are looking for a new sponsor for one of our teams. If you think you would like to do this, please contact the club on the details below. Thank you.
Club contact details
Facebook page –
Club Secretary – Marcus Kelly 0851477826