Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh Summer is out!
Covid-19 has change our world and people young and old have faced many bewildering challenges often tinged with sadness or stress. Little did we realise that with the doors of the school closing on the 12th of March, we would not be reunited again to say a proper face to face goodbye.
However we are blessed we live in an age of technology enlightenment, the radical transformation of the school to a virtual platform was transformative on so many levels. It afforded us the Staff to continue to strengthen the lines of communication and to develop new ways of delivering a holistic curricula to our pupils through the lens of Distance learning.

Currently we are formulating detailed plans to ensure the re-opening of our school in September in full compliance with all the guidelines from NPHET and the Department. We will continue to communicate with our school community throughout the summer months as the advice is issued to the Board of Management.

We pride ourselves on being inclusive, dynamic and creative. We want to provide the best education possible for your son/daughter. The return to school will be a little different this year but we at Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh will do everything in our power to ensure school will be a positive and engaging experience as always.
Throughout this crisis our fantastic team of Teachers, SNAs and school Secretary have used technology and their own creativity to stay connected with our pupils supported by the wonderful Parent community and Board of Management.
The Staff facilitated 6 online Graduations for the 6th classes and the two ASD classes to ensure a proper and fitting tribute to their extraordinary resilience as they transition to post primary schools. We wish them every success as they proceed to an exciting new chapter in their lives.
All set to distribute books to Parents Getting ready for a new term Cultivating a love of the outdoors
The Staff also facilitated a virtual end of year assembly for each class, a fantastic opportunity to say farewell to their friends and teacher while introducing them to the new teacher in September. Continue to keep an eye on the school website as we will update throughout the summer months. Meanwhile keep safe, keep well and stay connected.