by Niamh Bn. Uí Loinsigh
It was wonderful to see Mark Hoey a landscape artist now living in Middleton with his wife and daughter, but originally from Smithstown, Julianstown, win RTE’s Super Garden Award 2020. When Mark started the garden, the weather took a turn for the worst, measurements had to be changed but with a helping hand from his dad Paddy, father-in-law Chris and sister Laura, he created a stunning garden for Shelly Gaynor. Shelly is a wheelchair user and an ardent Disability and Independent Living Campaigner and now has a space to call her own thanks to Mark. She is delighted with how her garden turned out and can move about with great ease.
This garden was inspired by a sudden death in Mark’s family and He explained: “The inspiration for this was very personal. You never think certain things are going to happen to you and those things can be good or they can be bad”.
“I think this garden has been inspired by bad things, but it has created a lot of good things”.
“It means a lot that a garden that means so much to me has been recognised by the judges as this year’s Super Garden”.
We are now all looking forward to seeing Mark’s Garden take pride of place at Bloom 2021 and wish him all the best for the future.
Green Flag Award 2020
Julianstown Tidy Towns are having a visit from judges Stephen Seaman, and Maurice Cleary in mid-July for the Green Flag Award assessment. Due to the Coronavirus lock down we are a little bit behind and the garden is not looking its best due to the massive growth at this time of year. We wonder would anyone have an hour or two to spare to help with painting, weeding and strimming? Kevin will be in the garden on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and several of our Tidy Towns Group will be working in the garden on Saturday mornings from 10.30 am until 1 p.m. We would really appreciate any help you can give us.
Jim O’Connor is continuing to plant Sun Flowers around the village and with the rain and sunshine they are just leaping out of the ground. Well done Jim! Sean Corbally is doing great work in the village cleaning verges, while Larry Lenehan and Edward O’Neill have done great work on the bridge. Brian from Aney View is doing a nice job on the Julianstown Sign in the centre of the village and our Tidy Towns Committee are doing great work in the garden. Pat and Tom created this lovely bed last Weekend and its beginning to bloom. We also have a new entrance and 2 raised beds ready to be put in place at the entrance to the car park and this should give the garden a ‘wow’ factor. A word of thanks to all our volunteers who come along every Saturday and give a helping hand. Without you our village wouldn’t look half as good!
We didn’t do the usual big clean up of the village this year due to the virus, but should anyone need litter pickers, bags or gloves just call to the garden and ask Kevin or phone. If you arrange a litter pick of your area we can arrange for the council to pick up the bags etc.

Planning Permission Refusal for 450 homes on the Marsh Road
A housing development was granted planning permission by An Bord Pleanála in February 2020 and was subsequently challenged by an environmental group Protect East Meath Ltd, represented by John Kenny BL and instructed by Solicitor Fred Logue on the grounds that it failed properly to take into account the impact of the proposed development on the Boyne Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and the various species of birds and bats found there. The Housing Development has subsequently been refused by the High Court due to the impact on habitats protected by EU Law.
The Lime Kiln re-opens
At long last The Lime Kiln is delighted to announce the RE-OPENING of The Lime Kiln Julianstown for lunch and dinner on Friday 3rd July 😃.
They are so excited to be taking bookings again. They will however be operating at reduced capacity to allow for social distancing so we expect tables to book up fast. Rest assured they are adhering to government guidelines and social distancing requirements in the restaurant. All staff have completed COVID-19 awareness and compliance training.
📱 You can book online from today or hit the “Book Now” button on Facebook. As directed by government guidelines all sittings are capped at 1hr 45 mins and please note new opening times below 👇👇.

Please also note the same applies on all Matthews Coaches – face coverings are mandatory
Whitecross National School
Congratulation to all our 6th class pupils who graduated on the 19th June, 2020. All the boys and girls were given gorgeous hoodies from our Parents Association and they also got a lovely treat of a handmade cupcake.

Should you wish to contact Julianstown & District Community Association please send message to our Facebook page or mobile 086 3477283