Castle Glen, Donacarney Street Bingo Fundraiser

The residents of Castle Glen in Donacarney attended a Street Bingo fundraiser for the Irish Cancer Society on Friday the 19th of June.
Organised by Cian Doyle, they raised €600 Cian would like to “thank all the sponsors and my amazing community for the hard work, support and contribution for this fundraiser. We made history, this is going to be an annual event that we will host for a different charity every year”.
#shoplocal #makehistory #makememories @irishcancersociety
- @shshoppingcentre
- @top_notch_munch
- @meath.advertising
- @meathcoco
- @patscentrabettystown
- @eastcoastdialadrink
- @loudfadesbarbers
- @mr_toppers_barbershop_
Thanks for everything Donacarney let’s do it next year, we raised €600 for the Irish Cancer Society. Well done, give yourself a pat on the back, thanks to every business who sponsored.