Bettystown Tidy Towns (BTT)
Enhancement works are continuing around the town, although at a slower pace due to Covid restrictions.
Pole planters were installed on the light poles along the main street. These planters have an 8 litre water reservoir to supply water to the plants as required. This is a very efficient watering process and eliminates excess watering and saves water.
The units are watered with harvested rain water using our new mobile watering unit. Our thanks to Denis and Marina Reddan of Reddan’s Bistro Bar for sponsoring the 7,000 litre water harvesting tank and permitting us to install the tank on their property and harvest the rain water from their Neptune Hotel roof.

Congratulations to Elissa Plunkett who won our banner photograph competition that we held before Covid restrictions were in place. The banner is now hanging by the Bettystown beach entrance. Our thanks to local resident Deborah Anderson for designing the sign layout and to Val Darcy of Budget Signs for printing and donating the sign to us.

With limited funding this year, due in part to Council and National Tidy Towns grants being suspended, we are very grateful to Liz and Roger from The Cottages, and Pat Stafford of Stafford Nurseries in Laytown who donated plants to us and to Jayne Kearney of Anagenic Hair Design and Des Lappin for their generous financial contributions. These funds will help us continue our work in the town.
Carroll Estates, the developers of Cois na Mara and Sraid na Tra, donated wood to BTT and to the East Meath Men’s Shed to assist us with projects we are working on. Our thanks to Ollie Cawley of Carroll Estates who arranged this for both of our groups.
We are continuing to create wildflower gardens in the town and Bill McDonough, a volunteer with BTT, created signs for each of our gardens.
The Green Garden
The Green Gate Garden is located on Triton Road across the road from Coastal Carpets.
The Kite Garden is located behind the statue of the Boy with a Kite.
Eastham Corner Garden is located at the roundabout near the Bettystown Court Hotel.
Our last garden, The Brook Garden, is in its very early stages of development, and is located on the Coast Road at the pedestrian beach entrance.
To continue our work we do need more volunteers to assist us with garden and planter maintenance and planting, painting and litter picks. Join us any Saturday morning between 10 and 11, even for half an hour.
Suggestions and ideas are always welcome and can be sent to us on our Facebook page or speak to us when we are out and about in the village.
Bettystown Tidy Towns
As the sign above shows, Tidy Towns volunteers meet on Saturday mornings from 10.00am outside §