< Previous© October 2017 The Meath Coaster10Laytown Village Enhancement Work on the feasibility study into the possibility of providing an en-terprise centre in the locality has begun. Initial work involves sourcing a suitable building which might be adapted for such a centre. An enterprise centre will pro-vide much needed local employment op-portunities. The initial grant from Enter-prise Ireland has to be matched by local funding and we are very grateful to local County Councillors Eimear Ferguson and Sharon Tolan for their financial support as regards matching funds. We will shortly commence another local fund raising effort to meet the balance of the match-ing funding. This will take the form of a confined draw for a week’s self-catering holiday on the Wild Atlantic Way as well as an opportunity to play the renowned Carne Golf Links. The final documentation for a local Com-munity Employment Scheme has been submitted to the Department of Social Protection. The total complement of workers to be approved shortly is 25 and the work of local community organisa-tions will be greatly enhanced once the scheme is up-and-running.We are also pleased that Meath County Council has included our proposal for an inter-generational park beside the current playground as a significant project under the Village Amenities Programme. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the Department of Rural Affairs will approve this application.Again matching funds for all these pro-grammes will be needed and we are desperately seeking public support for our fund-raising initiatives as we cannot continue to bring such projects to fruition unless we have local support to provide much-needed funds. We particularly ap-preciate the assistance of Tom Behan of Gilna’s Cottage Bar for his on-going help with our fund-raising efforts. Our special congratulations is due to our member, Alan Watson and his co-workers for bringing the 2017 European Sandy-achting Competition to our area. What a proud week it was for all locals to have our beach amenity recognised for the ex-cellent resource which we have on our doorsteps.Finally, we are perplexed as to why no de-cision has been forthcoming from An Bord Pleanala to our submission and opposition regarding the ALDI Planning application. Local opposition to this planning proposal was clearly evident at the public meeting which we organized last January. So we await the outcome with bated breath.Secretary: John Higgins, 4 St. Annes, Bettystown, Co. Meath.Contact: Mobile 087.2071887 email: communityrep4lb@gmail.com Laytown/Bettystown Seniors CommitteeUrgently need some new members to help with our annual Christmas dinner and once a year fundraising quiz night. Have you time to attend four meetings a year ??If yes please contact Laura at 0879022814 Autumn Signage Special Offers• Pop-up Banners €95• 8ft x 4ft Corri Signs €85• 20 Corri Posters 48”x32” €350Quoted ex VAT and design costs ProvidingProfessionalPrint Services to Meath Coaster Since 2009© October 2017 The Meath Coaster12Aogán and Karen Dunne are extremely excited to have recently become proud new owners of the Glenside Hotel, Dublin Rd, Drogheda. They took over the hotel at the end of April this year and have since been very busy not only with the daily operations of the hotel but also with actioning their overall plan for the hotel going forward. With over twenty years’ experience in the Hospitality Indus-try, this local couple are no strangers to the hotel business and are said to be thrilled with their new purchase. The Glenside Hotel is a long established hotel operat-ing since 1968. This 17 bedroom hotel has a strong reputation for its food and warm family welcome. The couple are looking forward with pride and excitement at the prospect of developing the Glenside into a boutique style hotel that will be a major player in the wedding and leisure market in East Meath, Drogheda and North County Dublin. Karen and Aogan are well known in the locality having opened their first business at theSpire Restaurant in Duleek in August 2013. Since it’s opening theS-pire has become increasingly popular in the area as a restaurant and a venue for spe-cial occasions. They also own and manage a café, The Frank-lyn Café in Dunleer, Co. Louth. Aogan has managed many pres-tigious hotels in recent years in counties Monaghan, Meath and Dublin. He served as Chairperson of the Mourne Boyne Lakes Branch of the IHF, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce in Balbriggan and a board member of the Drogheda Chamber of Commerce. Karen qualified with a Masters Degree in Inter-national Marketing from the University of Limerick in 2002 after finishing her BA in Business Management. She worked in Front of House and Sales & Marketing for many established hotels in Leinster. Karen has been at the forefront of marketing and running of theSpire Restaurant in Duleek since August 2013. The couple got mar-ried in 2009 and have four little boys.The new owners of the Glenside have kept all existing staff members and are honouring all bookings and vouchers. “From the first time we heard the Glen-side was up for grabs we were excited © October 2017 The Meath Coaster13GLENSIDE HOTELwww.glensidehotel.ieCALL US TODAY ! 041 982 9999Glenside Hotel, Dublin Road, Drogheda, Co. MeathThe best choice available !SAT2SAT9FRI15FRI1FRI8SAT16ChristmasPARTIES AND NEW YEARS EVE CELEBRATIONSParty Nights from €47ppabout the opportunity. It is in a fantastic location just minutes outside the town of Drogheda and in the heart of the Boyne Valley Region” said Aogan. The Glenside name has been around for a long time and has always been the place to go for special occasions and gatherings. Karen, herself even celebrated her own Confirmation here amongst many other family occa-sions! Having visited the hotel in the early days of the purchase Karen and Aogan got a real sense of a warm welcome and can do attitude from the staff. This is a price-less quality in hospitality and an essential ingredient in delivery of an exceptional service in our industry. They would like to thank the management and staff for the warm welcome they received and their pa-tience with the changeover of ownership. The couple are confident that they can develop the Glenside name even further and with investment and their hospitality experience they believe the Glenside will become a flagship property in the local hotel industry.The couple will invest heavily in the Glenside over the next 10 years and have already begun refurbishments on the bed-rooms. They are in the process of imple-menting a brand new boutique look to the bedrooms and have added a unique Sales Suite which will be used exclusively for meeting with potential wedding couples. They have also launched their brand new website www.glensidehotel.ie with de-tails of their new and exciting wedding and party packages. Don’t forget to check out their Facebook page for upcoming events and special of-fers. §© October 2017 The Meath Coaster14The Stamullen Roundup By Grace TierneyThere will be an Alan Bonner Memo-rial Night held on the 4th of November in City North Hotel at 7.30 p.m. Admis-sion, for over 16s only, is €15 and tickets are available via their facebook page or from Karen at 089-2036664 or via memo-rialnight122@gmail.com. There will be a talk show with top road racers, special guests, live music, DJ, raffle and an auc-tion of biking items. All proceeds of this event will go to the Alan Bonner Memo-rial Fund.Congratulations to all current and past members of 20th Meath Stamullen Scouts who recently celebrated the group’s 5th birthday with a bash at the GAA club. The event gave everybody a chance to reflect on the volunteer efforts put in year round, in all weathers, by the Scouters and the young people. A number of important awards were made on the day by Stephen Halpin (the Fingal Provincial Commis-sioner). Big congrats go to the Beavers who earned their Chief Scout Awards, the Ven-ture Scouts who were graduating from the group, and the group’s founder Peter O’Brien who has been Scouting since the age of eight. The founding adult mem-bers of the group were awarded their Five Year Service awards – well done to Glenn, Grace, Michelle, Paul, and Peter. In addi-tion Sandra, who served in other Scout groups before Stamullen, was awarded her 15 Year Service Award.The village gym, Atomic Fitness (atom-icfitness.ie / 087-4635808), have launched their autumn schedule of classes from Ab Attack to Spin and Pilates. You can even book using their mobile app.Stamullen church choir are recruiting adults and teens. They sing at 10a.m. Mass on Sundays and practice on Mon-days 8-9p.m. if you’re interested drop in to a practice.Stamullen Bowls have resumed after their summer break. They meet every Tuesday and Thursday from 8-10p.m. New mem-bers very welcome. Contact Rose at 01-8412086.Arts & Crafts classes have begun in the GAA club for children aged 7-12. They will run every Monday 3.30-4.30p.m. at a cost of €85 per 8-week-term (with a dis-count for siblings). Book by calling 087-9711754.The Mature Movers classes have resumed in the GAA club on Wednesdays at 2p.m. for those aged 50+. Contact Ruairi on 046-9067337.Local writer Grace Tierney has launched her comedy novel set in East Meath “Hamster Stew & Other Stories” in serial format on Channillo, an online reading platform. It works like Netflix for books and a subscription allows readers to try up to ten novels across a wide range of genres. You can read a free taster chapter at https://channillo.com/series/hamster-stew-and-other-stories/.Got Stamullen news? Send it to Grace (087-9074145) or grace@meathcoaster.comBeavers Chief Scout Awards© October 2017 The Meath Coaster15MYSTERY NIGHTPerformed By:DULEEK DRAMA PLAYERSTickets €304 Course Spooky MenuMurder Mystery ShowBlack Tie optional, smart dress essentialreservations essentialby telephone, email,facebook or eventbriteChurch Lane, Duleek Call 041 988 0697info@thespirerestaurant.ieThursday 26th Oct, Sat 28th Oct and Sun 29th OctMURDERRESTAURANTAt theSpire Restaurant Duleek© October 2017 The Meath Coaster16News from JulianstownHalloween – It’s that time of the year when autumn comes knocking on our doors. The gold fields surrounding our village work like a sedative for our residents. They mean the harvest is in, the grain silos are full, the animals will be fed and so will your families. The stress melts out of the air and is replaced by prepara-tions to celebrate Halloween or as we say as gaeilge “Samhain”. Once again we are having our Halloween Party in the village garden on Tuesday 31st October, 2017. It starts off at 6.30 p.m! So please come along dressed up in your scariest outfits and join in the fun. We will have the usual refreshments available with games of ap-ple bobbing, toasted marshmallows and lots of scary monsters, witches and fairies around the garden. Admission is €5 per family and we do hope to see you there!Tidy Towns - We are awaiting the results of Supervalu Tidy Towns, as well as the Meath Co. Co. Municipal Awards and fin-gers crossed that we increase our marks again and maybe win a prize! Over the next few weeks we shall be starting our winter programme of weeding and tidy-ing up the beds all through the village and would be delighted if you could come out and give us a hand any Saturday morning. Would you happen to have any gardening equipment that you are not using, anything from lawnmowers to spades etc? As you are aware our strimmer and hedge cutter were stolen from the container, despite the many locks on it. We are now trying to raise funds to replace these items and would ask for your assistance in raising these much needed monies. Any donation would be greatly appreciated! Traffic Calming - Several months ago €300,000 was allocated for a Traffic Man-agement Scheme in Julianstown, although the Council does acknowledge that a Bye Pass is what is ultimately needed for our village. The JDCA has written to Nicho-las Whyatt, Senior Executive Office for Traffic asking him for an update.CCTV – A public meeting was held in the Parish Rooms on 11th September and was facilated by the JDCA. Sgt. Dean Kearns explained where the cameras would be sited – one at the junction of the R132 and Duleek Road and the other at the junc-tion for Laytown. It was pointed that that this left the south side of the village very vulnerable and those cameras would also be needed for traffic coming off the M1. These cameras would only identify num-ber plates, and would be of no use for traf-fic speeding through our village.The ever-growing use of CCTV cameras in villages and cities is a controversial is-sue. There is a large gray area regarding the ethics of these security cameras. One side of the argument speaks out about the benefits of a 24/7 video record as a crime deterrent. The other, more outspoken side, argues for the right to privacy. There are © October 2017 The Meath Coaster17F. Watson & Son LtdFuneral Directors Complete Funeral ServiceLAYTOWN, CO. MEATH Tel: 086 0275440 • 041 98382279 DYER STREET, DROGHEDAwww.droghedafunerals.ieServing the Entire East Meath Area and Drogheda since 1921681 residents now in Julianstown and it is up to you to decide!Cllr. Sharon Keogan explained the cost of the CCTVs, which would be 60% funded by the Dept. of Justice, and the rest by funding raising. On the night Cllr. Ke-ogan pledged €2,000 and Cllr. Tom Kelly €2,000 towards said shortfall. There will be a further public meeting to discuss this matter further and you will be advised of date. Text Alert Subscriptions are now due for renewal and the €6 can be sent to Duleek & District Text Alert, Freepost, P.O. Box FDA 103, Main St. Duleek, Co. Meath. East Meath Active Retirement have re-sumed weekly meetings in the Meet-ing Rooms St. Mary’s Church of Ire-land, Julianstown at 2.30 pm. New Mem-bers welcome.Cúpla Focal Irish beginners classes re-suming shortly, Join us for a cúpla fo-cal! Venue: Upstairs in Whyes pub, Stamullen. Email brianograinne@gmail.com for further informa-tion. Tá faile roimh chách! (All are wel-come). Junior Cert/Leaving Cert students are welcome as well!You can contact the JDCA – Facebook Julianstown Tidy Towns or www.julian-stowncommunity.com §© October 2017 The Meath Coaster18Free Trial Hip Hop/Break Dance Class For Teens!!!Fit Kids/Fit Teens Dance Club is in-viting all Teens to a free trial class at Laytown Parochial Hall. Just mention 'Meath Coaster' and you are welcome to participate. This age group meets from 6pm until 7pm every Thursday. No pre-vious Dance experience is required. The Teens will be introduced to many styles including Hip Hop, Break Dance, Poppin, Lockin, Krump, House and Reggae. other countries with one of their Dancers Jordan Nguyen winning gold for Ireland in Hip Hop Solos. They were delighted with the letters of support from local TD's and Councillors including one from Presi-dent Michael D. Higgins. Sophie Sherlock from Mornington proudly carried our Irish Flag as she represented the country at the opening ceremony.The Club also packed out The Barbican as they performed their Movie Magic Show de-lighting the audience with performances from Sister Act, Grease, Phantom Of The Opera, Lion King, Trolls, Oliver and much more.They are also delighted that eleven of their young Dancers have been chosen for he new RTE Magic Show 'abraKIDabra' including local kids Danny and Madeline Myers and Brady and Torin Boylan.Congratulations also to two of the young lo-cal Dancers Sarah Browne and Oisin Oberik who won awards at Autumn Hip Hop Chal-lenge at City North Hotel last week.All new children(from 3yrs to 21yrs) are welcome to join in the fun. Just drop down or contact Jacinta at 0862685280. §Club Founder- Jacinta Cassidy is hop-ing that some would like to represent the Laytown, Bettystown and Morningtn area in the Irish Hip Hop Masters 2018 in March in Tralee. Those that are not competitive can enjoy learning the latest moves, making life-long friends and tak-ing part in Shows, Flash Mobs and TV op-portunities if they wish.It has been a very busy time for the Club. They have just returned from Glasgow where they represented Ireland in The World Street Dance Championships 2017. They were thrilled as some of the group made the finals, competing against thirty © October 2017 The Meath Coaster19041 98 444 98 041 98 111 98086 838 4444www.eastcoastcabs.comEAST COAST CABSEAST COAST CABS SERVICING MEATH COAST & DROGHEDA REGIONS CABS - 4, 6 & 8 SEATERSNEW RANGE OF MINI-VANSCOACHES - 16, 24, 36 & 54 SEATERS AVAILABLENext >